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Version: v2.x

Welcome Message

By default, the assistant persona avatar, name, and tagline are displayed in the chat window when the conversation is empty. When no assistant persona is provided, the NLUX logo is displayed instead.

You can disable this behavior by setting the conversationOptions.showWelcomeMessage prop to false.

import { useMemo } from 'react';
import { AiChat, AssistantPersona } from '@nlux/react';
import { useChatAdapter } from '@nlux/langchain-react';
import '@nlux/themes/nova.css';

import { useDemoOptions, userPersona } from './setup';

export default () => {
  const [ InteractiveDemoOptions, isOption1Checked, isOption2Checked ] = useDemoOptions();
  const assistantPersona: AssistantPersona = useMemo(() => ({
    name: 'HarryBotter',
    avatar: '',
    tagline: 'Welcome to Hogwarts! How may I assist you today?'
  }), []);

  const adapter = useChatAdapter({ url: '' });
  return (
    <div style={{ display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', height: '90vh' }}>
      <InteractiveDemoOptions />
          // Possible values: true, false
          showWelcomeMessage: isOption2Checked
          assistant: isOption1Checked ? assistantPersona : undefined,
          user: userPersona
        adapter={ adapter }
        displayOptions={{ colorScheme: 'dark' }}

Learn More About Chat Personas