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Version: v2.x


The API layer provides a way to programmatically interact with the chatbot. It enables operations such as sending messages, getting the chat history, and more.


The useAiChatApi() hook is used to create an instance of the AiChatApi object. This object is used to interact with the chatbot UI, such as sending messages, getting the chat history, and more.

const api = useAiChatApi();

Once created, the api object can be passed to the AiChat component as a prop, and its methods can be called to interact with the AiChat UI.

<AiChat api={api} adapter={adapter} />

API Calls

You can call api.<yourApiMethod>() inside your component.
Since API calls are considered side effects, you should ensure that they are properly called (e.g. inside a useEffect hook) to avoid unnecessary re-renders, and to ensure they do not interfere with the React rendering cycle.

import {AiChat, useAiChatApi} from 'nlux';

export default function App() {
// Create an instance of the AiChatApi using the useAiChatApi hook
const api = useAiChatApi();

// Call `api.composer.send(...)` to send a message to the chatbot
const onClick = useCallback(() => {
api.composer.send('Hello, World!');
}, [api]);

// When creating the AiChat component, pass the `api` object as a prop
return (
<AiChat api={api} adapter={adapter} />
<button onClick={onClick}>Send Message Programmatically</button>


The AiChatApi object has a lifecycle that is tied to the AiChat component. When the AiChat component is unmounted, the AiChatApi object will be destroyed and any subsequent calls to its methods will result in an exception being thrown.

In order to prevent this, it is recommended to create the AiChatApi object inside the same component that renders the AiChat component, and to not store the AiChatApi object in a state variable or a context.


Please visit the API Methods Reference Page for a complete list of methods available.