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Version: v1.x

Hugging Face

Hugging Face is a popular platform for hosting and accessing machine learning models. It provides a unified interface and inference API to interact with many state-of-the-art open-source models such as LLAMA2, DeciLM, and more.

This documentation page is about the standard adapter provided by NLUX for Hugging Face Inference API.


npm install @nlux/hf-react


import {useChatAdapter} from '@nlux/hf-react';
import {AiChat} from '@nlux/react';

export default App = () => {
const adapter = useChatAdapter({
// Config options

return <AiChat adapter={adapter} />;


You can configure the Hugging Face adapter in React by passing a config object to the useChatAdapter() function.
The config object has the following properties:


  • Property: model
  • Type: string
  • Required: Either this property or an Endpoint must be provided
  • Usage:
const adapter = useChatAdapter({
model: '<The ID Of A Model Hosted On Hugging Face>'


  • Property: endpoint
  • Type: string
  • Required: Either this property or a Model must be provided
  • Usage:
const adapter = useChatAdapter({
endpoint: 'ENDPOINT_URL'

Auth Token

This is the authorization token to use for Hugging Face Inference API. This will be passed to the Authorization header of the HTTP request. If no token is provided, the request will be sent without an Authorization header as in this example:

"Authorization": "Bearer {AUTH_TOKEN}"

Public models on Hugging face do not require an authorization token, but if your model is private, you will need to provide one.

  • Property: authToken
  • Type: string
  • Required: false
  • Usage:
const adapter = useChatAdapter({
authToken: 'AUTH_TOKEN'

Data Transfer Mode

  • Property: dataTransferMode
  • Type: 'stream' | 'fetch'
  • Required: false
  • Default: 'stream'
  • Usage:
const adapter = useChatAdapter({
dataTransferMode: 'stream'

System Message

The initial system to send to the Hugging Face Inference API. This will be used during the pre-processing step to construct the payload that will be sent to the API.

  • Property: systemMessage
  • Type: string
  • Required: false
  • Usage:
const adapter = useChatAdapter({
systemMessage: 'I want you to act as a customer support agent.'

Input Pre-Processor

The inputPreProcessor is a function that takes the user input and some additional options, and returns the string that will be sent to the Hugging Face Inference API. It is used to transform the user input to the format expected by the model.

  • Property: preProcessors.input
  • Type: HfInputPreProcessor
  • Required: false
  • Usage:
const inputPreProcessor: HfInputPreProcessor = (
input: string,
adapterOptions: Readonly<HfAdapterOptions>,
) => {
// Pre-process the user input
return inputReadyToSend;

const adapter = useChatAdapter({
preProcessors: {
input: inputPreProcessor

NLUX provides a default input pre-processor that can be used with LLAMA2 model on Hugging Face:

import {llama2InputPreProcessor} from '@nlux/hf-react';

const adapter = useChatAdapter({
preProcessors: {
input: llama2InputPreProcessor

Output Pre-Processor

The outputPreProcessor is a function that takes the response from the model and returns a string that will be displayed to the user.

  • Property: preProcessors.output
  • Type: HfOutputPreProcessor
  • Required: false
  • Usage:
const outputPreProcessor: HfOutputPreProcessor = (output: string) => {
// Pre-process the LLM output
return outputReadyToSend;

const adapter = useChatAdapter({
preProcessors: {
output: outputPreProcessor

NLUX provides a default output pre-processor that can be used with LLAMA2 model on Hugging Face:

import {llama2OutputPreProcessor} from '@nlux/hf-react';

const adapter = useChatAdapter({
preProcessors: {
output: llama2OutputPreProcessor

Max New Tokens

The maximum number of new tokens that can be generated by the Hugging Face Inference API.
This is useful if you want to limit the number of tokens that can be generated by the API.

  • Property: maxNewTokens
  • Type: number
  • Required: false
  • Usage:
const adapter = useChatAdapter({
maxNewTokens: 800